In what can only be described as a momentary lapse of reason, the fine gentlemen from Melt Your Face Off have invited your's truly to participate in a panel discussion on BlogTalk Radio, dealing with all things Goon.
Does the instigator rule suck as much as I've always said it does? Can the NHL afford themselves a return to the glory days of the "enforcers" and "policemen" at the risk of alienating potential new fans? Can it afford not to?
But wait! There's more! Also joining the MYFO all star list of editors will be HF33, of the ever brilliant Four Habs Fans.
The show starts at 9:00pm tonight. So join us here, won't you? Just listen, or better yet, call-in, if only to tell me I'm an idiot.
Oh, glorious interweb. Is there nothing you can't do?
p.s.: If you missed the live show, BlogTalk will have it available in their archives. Or so I'm told. Then again, after my performance, they might just choose to burn the tapes.
I'm not so sure how I feel about you guys ripping on Chris Tucker and the Rush Hour movies.
I mean, they're horrible. But...they're classic!
Sherry: In fairness, we did have a heated debate on that before we went to air...Rush Hour? Or Citizen Kane?
Chancing a haunting by Orsen Wells' over bloated corpse was just too big a risk. Sorry Chris...
What was that part of the segment about? I was silenced by my own confusion.
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