My Sunday morning routine hardly ever varies (and I very much like it that way, thank you Mother).
Up at seven (ish), shower, a pot of coffee, a thorough cover-to-cover read of the Sunday Citizen, including the completion of the Sunday crossword (the only one of the week worth doing...the weekday versions are obviously geared toward small children, the intellectually challenged and Jack Layton) followed by the destruction of a ridiculously unhealthy breakfast of bacon (about a dozen slices), eggs (three, scrambled and cooked with shredded cheese), hashbrowns (also with shredded cheese), english muffins swimming in real butter and orange juice, all lovingly prepared by Beloved, who swears she has no interest in my life insurance policies.
And I watch Dave Hodge and His Bloviating Quartet at 10:30, also known as TSN's The Reporters.
Dave Hodge, he of the sanctimonious drivel, asked a question this morning that struck me as rather premature and not a little unfair. To wit: If Bryan Murray gets fired before the end of the year, or even in the off-season, does Clouston keep the job?
The panel, composed of the usual suspects was divided. What follows is the exchange as I remember it:
Damian Cox: "Sure, why not? They're playing way better than at any point this season, so give the guy a chance."
Michael Farber: "No way. A new GM is going to want his own coach."
Steve Simmons: "I bent my wookie!"
Putting aside for the moment that it was an act of purest stupidity to have even posed the question in the first place, coming as it does three freaking games into Clouston's NHL career (gee, Mike, did you hurt yourself jerking your knee that quickly?), I say "HELLS yes he does!"
You may not have noticed, gentlemen, but he seems to have found the "ON" switch. Sure, the Sens have two losses and a shootout win (in which they blew a two goal lead) to show over his three games, but anyone who has had the great misfortune to watch almost every game of this miserable season *ahem* can and will tell you those last three games are the best we've seen in over a year. That has to mean something. When one of the team's veterans tells a reporter that Clouston's practices are light years faster than any under Paddock or Hartsburg, that has to mean something. The fact that we seem to have regained a bit of our former swagger, however faint, after beating Buffalo and taking a point off the best team in the East after trailing by two, has to mean something.
In May 2002, Bryan Murray, then GM of the Anaheim Mighty Ducks promoted a young head coach out of the AHL nobody outside of The Bryan's inner sanctum had ever considered as NHL Head Coaching material. A year later, the Ducks came out of nowhere before losing the Cup Final in seven to New Jersey. That guy's name? Mike Babcock. And that has to mean something.
Don't get me wrong. I'm perfectly aware that this may just be a case of a team trying desperately to avoid the label of "coach killers" and would practice and play harder for anybody, maybe even this guy. But my point is, how do we know? How do you know?
Even if The Bryan gets canned before the end of the season (and here's saying he won't), why not let Coach Cory ride out the rest of the season. It's not like we're going anywhere. And come April or May, the GM, be it The Bryan or *cough*patquinn*cough* whoever, can sit down with the team and figure out if Clouston is the real deal. But to dismiss his chances after only three games?
C'mon, Dave. That's just stupid.
"Lost" and your not... Truely.
Dave Hodge, lest we forget and I have, lost one of the biggest jobs on HNIC for asking too many tough questions.
That pannel gives TO a bad name and rightfully so. (Is Farber from Montéal, he sounds like Toronto) I don't want any Torontoians giving me advice on my Coach period!
We, I, everyone gets mad (furious) when Gord asks Bob Mackenzie another Toronto guy for advice on our Sens!
That particular program, I cannot watch, so I'll accept your account. I have said one thing early about Mr. Clouston that I regret, refering to him as a Scoring Forward, "Mia Copa" I now steadfastly believe we have a "Keeper".
Steve Simmons: "I bent my wookie!"
I also would have accepted, "I can do a somersault!" (Via Lisa's sing-song imitation.)
TUC: Also in the running? "Yay, sleep! That's where I'm a viking!"
Is that what he said? I heard "Frankenstein doesn't scare me, but marsupials do. They're fast."
What an awesome breakfast.
Fuck you.
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