Further examples of their Orwellian thought control can be found here.
As you would expect (if you've been paying attention) this set the OBC cat amongst the Senators' marketing pigeons. What would, we wondered collectively, a similar campaign look like amongst the denizens of Sens Nation? Something like mine, we would suspect:

Let us now trip gracefully through the intertubes, capturing the true OBC zeitgeist of this lost season, shall we?
The Universal Cynic
Scarlett Ice
Hockey Schlock
Sens At Land's End
If you have any you'd like to create/share/inflict upon an unsuspecting public, drop us a line. We'll post the best, and mock the rest.
Hey, what else are you going to do? Watch the games?
Is that your man-room? Love it!
yeah it is a good room
Yes, actual visual proof of the man-cave!
the empty bottles collection is fabu!
Are all those empty bottles the result of just one game? Yikes.
PPP: That's actually a small corner of it. Not shown: four vestal virgins standing at the ready with peeled grapes and palm fronds.
Baroque: Yep. The Devils game was just that bad.
Awesome. Man-cave!
Great blog I enjjoyed reading
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